
出国留学吧   2024-01-29 08:30:01




Chase is a verb that means to pursue or run after something or someone in order to catch them. It can also refer to the act of trying to obtain something that is difficult to achieve.

There are many different situations in which someone might need to chase after something. For example, a police officer might chase after a suspect who is fleeing the scene of a crime. A dog might chase after a ball that its owner has thrown. A person might chase after their dreams or goals, working hard to achieve success.

Chasing after something can be both exciting and challenging. It requires determination, focus, and sometimes physical exertion. It can also be risky, as chasing after something can sometimes lead to danger or unexpected consequences.

Ultimately, whether we are chasing after a person, an object, or a goal, the act of chasing can teach us important lessons about perseverance, hard work, and the pursuit of our passions. So if there is something that you want to achieve or obtain, don't be afraid to chase after it with all your might.










除了个人追求, chase 这个词也可以用在体育比赛中。比如在足球比赛中,球员们会不断地追逐球,希望能够射入对方的球门。在这个过程中,球员们需要保持高度集中和敏捷性,才能够赢得比赛。

总之, chase 是一个富有活力和动感的词汇,它代表了追求和奋斗的精神。无论在哪个领域,只要我们保持坚定的信念和不断努力,就能够实现自己的目标,追逐自己的梦想。


Q: What did you do when you were chased by a wild animal?

A: When I was chased by a wild animal, my first instinct was to run as fast as I could. However, I knew that this could provoke the animal even more, so I tried to stay calm and slowly back away from it. I made sure to keep my eyes on the animal at all times, but avoided direct eye contact as this could be seen as a threat. I also made myself look as big as possible by raising my arms and standing on my tiptoes. If the animal continued to approach me, I made loud noises and shouted to try and scare it away. Luckily, I have never been in a situation where I was seriously threatened by a wild animal, but I know that it is important to stay calm and take precautions to avoid provoking the animal.



