
出国留学吧   2023-10-24 17:30:02







Q: Did you save the document before closing the computer?

A: Yes, I saved the document before closing the computer.


Title: Save

Past tense: saved

Verb + ing form: saving


Q: What did you do with the money you saved last month?

A: I saved the money for a future trip. I am planning to travel to Europe next year, so I am saving as much money as possible to make the trip memorable. In addition to saving money for the trip, I am also saving money for emergencies. I have opened a separate savings account where I deposit a fixed amount every month. This way, I am able to save money without touching my regular expenses. I believe that saving money is important for a secure future and it also helps in achieving financial goals. Therefore, I am committed to saving money regularly and making it a habit.


Q: What is the past tense of "save"?

A: The past tense of "save" is "saved". For example, "Yesterday, I saved a drowning puppy from the river."

In English, regular verbs usually form their past tense by adding "-ed" to the base form of the verb. However, there are also many irregular verbs that have unique past tense forms. "Save" is a regular verb, so it follows the "-ed" rule.

The past tense of "save" is used to describe actions that happened in the past. For example, "I saved up enough money to buy a new car last year." This sentence means that the speaker put aside money over a period of time until they had enough to purchase a car.

In conclusion, the past tense of "save" is "saved" and it is used to describe past actions.



